About Us
There is always a second life for sails!
We give sails a new purpose once its first life is over.
By providing a marketplace so all sails find a second life.
When a second user is not available, we find a new purpose through upcycling into new sustainable products at our partners. Our shop is a showcase of beautiful products, which provides income for our business & research.
As last resort we provide recycling options so end of life sails are saved from becoming landfill.

At Resail
We develop knowledge and scale the re-distribution of used sails for up-cyling or recycling into yarns or products to reduce 50% of green house gases by 2030 towards net zero emission in the sailing industry.
Read our whitepaper

What is our goal?
We develop knowledge and scale the re-distribution of used sails for up-cyling or recycling into yarns or products to reduce 50% of green house gases by 2030 towards net zero emission in the sailing industry.
Read our whitepaper

Fair wages, minimizing transport and safe working environments are an integral part of our and our partners operations. We research, inspire and work with our partners to achieve new solutions.
Read our whitepaper

Who are we

Sjaak Haakman
I learned sailing at the age of 15, started racing Laser’s at 17 and thereafter sailed many different dinghies, catamarans and bigger boats. Occasionally taking a surfboard on windy and sunny days.
Ellen Macarthur (ellenmacarthurfoundation.org).
I started Resail with the aim to promote the re-use of sails, research circular solutions and sell nice products in the process.
Join our quest.

Jan Willem Verkade
I started sailing with my parents at the age of 2 months. At the age of 5 I started my first regatta in an Optimist and thereafter Laser Radial and Laser. After that I made the big step to offshore racing with big boats, mostly Swan’s.
Nowadays I am giving sailing lessons to my kids and occasionally when there is time, I sail regatta’s in a J-24 and Dragon.
Sjaak and I sailed a lot of offshore races together and so one day he came to me with his idea how to promote the re-use of sails, research circular solutions and sell nice products in the process.
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